Transparent Language Online combines courses, supplemental vocabulary, extensive grammar resources, and mobile apps, for over 110 languages, including English for speakers of over 30 languages. This resource requires you to create a personal account to track your learning progress.
Oakton Library is working with Transparent Language Online to fix ongoing issues with off campus access. The instructions below are a workaround to help the Oakton community continue to use the resource. Please use the instructions that best fit your situation.
I already have a Transparent Language Online account.
Find out how to use the Transparent Language Online mobile app here.
I need to sign up for a Transparent Language Online account.
How to create an account ON CAMPUS:
How to create an account OFF CAMPUS:
Important: You only need to “Sign Up” once. After that, always use the “Access Database” button to log in.
*The OFF CAMPUS link is only used for registration. It does not work for full TLO access. TLO will appear to work normally when using this link, but it won't let you start a learning path. This is why it's important to always use the “Access Database” button on this page once you have an account.
Need help with Transparent Language Online?
Contact Rebecca Eaton, Oakton Library's Electronic Resources Specialist. Email Phone calls and virtual meetings are available upon request.