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Open Educational Resources for Faculty

Illinois Course Materials Survey: Student Perspectives

General Findings of the Illinois Course Materials Survey

8 key findings emerged from the statewide survey results:

  1. Course materials costs are adversely impacting students' academic careers.
  2. Course material costs are lowering students' abilities to meet basic needs, increasing their debt, increasing their work hours/jobs, and increasing their emotional stress.
  3. 60% of students considered costs of $0 to less than $40 to be low cost for the course materials in one course.
  4. On average, students are spending $297.71 on course materials per term.
  5. Students are extremely frustrated by online paid-access code materials required to complete assignments/quizzes.
  6. Students emphasized a wide variety of benefits when faculty provided materials that were free to students.
  7. 74% of students prefer digital course materials with no cost over traditionally published course materials with a cost.
  8. Over 75% of respondents identified that all course materials features that allow them to use the materials how, when, and where they want are very helpful or helpful. 

Finding 1. Course material costs are adversely impacting students' academic careers.

Effect of Course Materials on Academic Careers

Effect of course materials costs on academic careers at Oakton


Overall Sample at Oakton
Total N=457 Total Sample Size= 558

Total sample by race/ethnicity

Has the cost of required course materials caused you to – Not purchase required course material - across ethnicity
N= 457

Oakton students who skipped purchasing course materials by race/ethnicity


Has the cost of required course materials caused you to – Take fewer courses - across ethnicity

Oakton students who took fewer courses because of cost of course materials by race/ethnicity


Has the cost of required course materials caused you to – Take fewer courses - gender


effect of course material costs on academic careers

Finding 2: Course material costs are lowering students' abilities to meet basic needs, increasing their debt, increasing their work hours/jobs, and increasing their emotional stress.

Finding 3. Most students consider cost of $0 to less than $40 to be low cost for the course materials in one course.

Finding 4. On average, students are spending $297.71 on course materials per term.

This average is for all respondents statewide and ranged from $227.28 for those taking one course to $445.83 for those taking seven courses. This includes 11.66% of students who noted they spent $0 for course materials. 

Finding 5. Students are extremely frustrated by online paid-access code materials required to complete assignments/quizzes.

Finding 6. Students emphasized a wide variety of benefits when faculty provided materials that were free to students.

Finding 7. Most students prefer digital course materials with no cost over traditionally published course materials with a cost.