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EGL 102 - Gaipa/Sedam - Spring 2024

Librarian Rebecca Sedam's Research Guide for Mark Gaipa's EGL 102-009 (MW 11am) class.

Choosing a Topic

Click on the square on the bottom right for "Full Screen" to access a larger version of this video. After the video starts, Closed Captioning is available with the CC option.

Length: 1:38

Explore Topics!

Multi-colored word cloud of topics

Browse for topics on the Opposing ViewpointsCQ Researcheror Credo Reference databases. Academic Search Complete is a good option for articles once you have identified your topic. (See above links) 

You can access these databases from off campus by logging in with your myOakton username and password.

Be sure to select a topic that matters to you.

Length: 2:53
Prefer demonstrations? View this brief video for practical details about searching the Opposing Viewpoints database.
Length: 2:28
Prefer demonstrations? View this brief video for practical details about searching CQ Researcher.
Length: 2:48
Prefer demonstrations? View this brief video for practical details about searching Credo Reference.

EGL 102 Library Workshop Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the peer review process.multicolored crazy quilt from 19th century
  • Develop new, specific research questions after conducting an initial search in order to refine general research questions.
  • Compare information-sharing access between marginalized and privileged groups.
  • Describe how the unique contributions of two or more types of information (background, scholarly, trade, statistic, image etc.) can contribute to their research question.
  • Identify an acknowledged authority/foundational thinker related to their area of inquiry. Or Explore what voices may be absent from available research, or student's initial investigation on their topic.