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EGL 135 - Marian Staats - Spring 2024


Some questions before we jump into all things research.

Started researching?
Yes!: 3 votes (17.65%)
Topic selected, no research yet: 13 votes (76.47%)
Not yet: 1 votes (5.88%)
Total Votes: 17
Came back to this course guide after the 1st session?
Yes, as a jumping off point for research: 12 votes (63.16%)
Yes, to remember what was said during the 1st session: 3 votes (15.79%)
No, haven't start researching yet: 4 votes (21.05%)
None of the above: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 19
Have you made a research appointment with a librarian?
Yes, already met with a librarian for this project: 6 votes (33.33%)
No, but am planning to soon: 11 votes (61.11%)
Not sure I will: 1 votes (5.56%)
Total Votes: 18
Feel more comfortable with library resources after 1st session?
Yes: 5 votes (83.33%)
About the same: 1 votes (16.67%)
Not so much: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 6