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HUM 150 - Marian Staats - Spring 2024


This guide will help you:

  • Discover how the Oakton Library can help you succeed with your research assignment
  • Locate articles relevant to your research topic using library databases  
    • Use search filters to focus your search results
    • Use database tools to cite and save article
  • Prepare for the possibility of harmful language and content in research

Students' Choice Final Project Options

Activist Analysis – If you lead or participate in any environmental project or event (like ecological restoration, or working with a local or national environmental organization), you can develop your plan and report on it. 

Synthesis or Research Paper — If you find one of the authors or topics we cover particularly compelling, or if there is a contemporary issue, environmental or otherwise, that the course texts have enabled you to better understand, you can bring together the course ideas, discussions, and texts to analyze that topic.

How do the course materials speak to each other and provide insight regarding American Indian identities and cultures, particularly with respect to the overall course theme of kinship? What new lines of inquiry do they suggest for you? If you decide to research one or more of the texts in greater depth, you will need to provide a Works Cited page.

Students’ Design — What else would you like to do? A group or partner project? A book/film review of another text we should read for this course? Your own storytelling practice, film, drama, poetry, or short story?

For this final project, you will each arrange criteria for evaluation, expectations and deadlines with me. You should be thinking about what kind of project you want to do and propose it for approval before midterm.

Humanities 150 Learning Objectives

1. Evaluate cultural, intellectual, and artistic environmental works in their historical, social and ecological contexts.

2. Explain how factors such as race, gender, class, and sexuality shape artistic and intellectual approaches to environmental issues and conflicts.

Course Books

Solar Storms by Linda Hogan

book cover with title

Thing: Inside the Struggle for Animal Personhood by Samuel and Cynthia Machado

book cover with title

We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler

book cover with title