Begin your research by looking up your keywords in an online dictionary, encyclopedia or reference book.
(Use your myOakton user name and password for off campus access to library databases.)
Cross-searchable collection of several health science titles, including The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests, The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, Health and Wellness, and The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. To limit a search to an individual title, use the "More" icon and then the "Title List" option.
Database of contemporary social issues with content structured to promote critical-thinking skills. It contains reference book titles, pro and con viewpoint articles, and a variety of periodicals, podcasts, reviewed Web links, images, statistical tables, charts, and graphs.
Each issue examines a single "hot" topic with comments from experts, lawmakers and citizens on all sides of every issue. Includes charts, graphs and sidebar articles -- plus a pro-con feature, a chronology, lengthy bibliographies and a list of contacts.