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"Bullying," from Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health

Li, Meng, et al. “Bullying.” Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health, edited by Gale, 2nd ed., Gale, 2020. Credo Reference,

What is background information?

Background information provides basic facts, history, descriptions and concepts about your topic.  Use only the information that you find useful in starting your research. You can always return to your sources if you need more in-depth information as you get deeper into your research topic.

Recommended Databases for Background Information on Bullying

Suggested search terms:

  • Bully
  • Bullying
  • Cyberbullying
  • Bullying in school
  • Bullying in the workplace
  • Harrassment
  • Bullying effects
  • Peer victimization

CREDO Tutorial

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