For quick help with citations where you can find a model citation to check the database citation, try the College of DuPage Library Citation Help page.
For the authoritative guide to citations, use the Purdue OWL. This site has all of the details about how to make a correct citation!
Most databases contain tools to help you create correctly formatted citations for a particular article. One of the advantages of using databases over search engines is the ease of creating and exporting citations. Below are some examples of popularly used databases and how to create and export citations from selected articles.
One easy way to get a copy of the citation is to email the citation and the article to yourself. Other options are listed below with detailed instructions for each database.
In Academic Search Complete and SOC Index, you can email your article with an APA citation.
Once you find your article, follow these steps:
Remember that PDFs of the article will be an attachment to your email.
To export citations from Academic Search Complete EBSCOoa:
To export citations from CQ Researcher (CQ Researcher Plus Archives 1923 to Present):