The Oakton Community College Archives are located on the Des Plaines campus. The collections are housed primarily in two rooms: suite 1409 next to the circulation desk at the Oakton Library and suite 0411.
Russell Kracke:
Gwyn Stupar:
Elizabeth Sanderson:
The Oakton Library Archive is an active, collecting archive for all researchers. The archive is committed to collection development and donor stewardship of all records pertaining to its collections. This guide outlines the mission of the Archive as well as its vision, goals, and ethical considerations in collection development. These policies are in line with the greater mission, vision, and goals of the Oakton Library and the College itself.
Library Institutional Archives Collection Development Policy
The Oakton Community College Library Archives ("Archives") form part of Special Collections, which is the repository for rare tangible works at the College. The mission of the Archives is to manage, collect, preserve, and provide access to official and legal College records, historical/cultural works, and personal papers of enduring value, regardless of format, that were created by the College, its trustees, administrators, faculty, staff, alumni, students, affiliated organizations and members of the larger Oakton Community College district. The Archives function as the institutional memory of the College and its mission is accomplished through organizing and providing access to these records by means of finding aids and descriptive bibliographic metadata.
The Collection Development Policy 8013 is designed to support the mission statement of the Archives and serves as a guide for the selection, acquisition, maintenance, and retention of records.
The Archives serves as a repository for selected College documents, historical images, and video recordings for all of the College's locations. It preserves historical and cultural records about College activities, people, and events. In addition, it collects records, creative works and personal papers of enduring value primarily for their historical research value that are used by students, staff, faculty, alumni, and the community at large. The Archives seeks the authorized and timely transfers of institutional records and other donations that fit within the scope of this policy and which are typically no longer in active use.
The Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee is authorized by the Board of Trustees to develop procedures for the administration of this Policy.