Research Proposal Template Online
Follow this outline exactly and make sure you have the same labels in bold! This research proposal has a 3-4-page limitation. Plan accordingly.
- Frame the issue of the group you want to study
- Background information (use scholarly sources here for statistics and quotes)
- Summarize the prospective project (how do you envision the project)
- Why did you choose this group of people?
- What do you want to learn about your group of people?
- Research Question (stated clearly and as a question!)
- What do you “think” or hypothesize society will learn from your mini-ethnography?
- How do you plan to obtain your data? (The three methods cultural anthropologists use during ethnography)
- Choose three sources and summarize the material, but more importantly how do these sources benefit your ethnography?
- Include 20 possible questions you intend on asking your participants (open ended and closed) and remember for the proposal they do not have to have responses from your participants.