The Oakton Library is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment for all users. As language and its cultural context evolve, so too must our methods for description. Historically, our catalog has relied on Library of Congress Subject Headings, which may contain biases and offensive language. For instance, terms like "third world nations" were once common but are now considered outdated; however, they may still appear in older materials.
While we recognize that users may encounter offensive or harmful language in our descriptions, we are committed to actively addressing these issues. Like many libraries, we utilize the Library of Congress Subject Headings, which reflect the context of their time. Changing these headings is not easy, but it is often a grassroots effort driven by advocacy.
Our aim is to prioritize materials that promote diverse perspectives and contribute to a welcoming atmosphere. If you encounter outdated or offensive language in our collection, please bring it to our attention. You can help us correct injustices within the catalog by filling out a feedback form. We will make changes at the local level whenever possible and submit requests to the Library of Congress as needed for broader changes.
Thank you for your role in making our catalog more equitable and inclusive.
This statement was adapted from statements at other institutions including the Library at Gustavus Adolphus College.