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EGL 101 - EJ Hicks - Spring 2024


Welcome to the Oakton Library and Your Research Class! 

My name is Ruth Whitney and I'll be your guide to learning about
research and library resources at Oakton.


This online guide to the Oakton Library will help you

  • Learn about how to find sources for your research paper.
  • Select and search Library databases 
    • Search tips,
    • Tools for saving articles you find,
    • Tools for getting article citations
  • Learn about  APA citations
  • Discover how the Oakton Library can help you succeed with your research assignment

Be Strategic

Have a Strategy for Your Time and Work

  • Choose the subject or topic for your paper
  •  Find words that you can use to search for good sources
  • Find articles on your topic
  • Find the required sources
    • What kind of source do you need? Articles? Books?  Websites?
    •  How many sources?
  • Check for Quality and Fit
    • Do the articles, books or websites have good information?
    • Is the information helpful for your paper?
  • Plan how to add the ideas and quotes into your paper
  • Show where the information you use comes from - Cite your Sources!

An Oakton Librarian will be glad to help you with any of these steps in your research. 

Fact Check - Oakton Library Chat

A real person answers questions on the Oakton Library Ask a Librarian chat.
Yes, a librarian answers your question: 23 votes (88.46%)
No, it's an A.I. bot: 1 votes (3.85%)
I'm not sure: 2 votes (7.69%)
Total Votes: 26

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