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EGL 101 - EJ Hicks - Spring 2024

What is a Citation?

Cite It Right!

What is a citation?

A citation is all the information about a given source organized according to a standard format or citation style guide.

MLA, APA and Chicago Style are used in classes at Oakton College.

Citations include information such as

  • author's name,
  • title of the book, article or website,
  • name of the magazine or journal,
  • date published or updated
  • if the information was found in print or online

Using citations gives credit to an author or creator for their research, writings and ideas.

What Do Citations Look Like?

Listed below are examples of APA & MLA citation formats and one example of an article citation.
APA Citation


Author(s) of article. (Year, month, day published). Title of article. Title of Magazine, URL or DOI


Bosker, Bianca.(2016, Sept.). Big in Canada: Throwing Axes for Fun. The Atlantic,

MLA Citation


Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Periodical, Day Month Year, URL


Bosker, Bianca. "Big in Canada: Throwing Axes for Fun." The Atlantic, Sept. 2016,


For more information and help
  • Check the APA page on this guide
  • Explore the Cite It Right! online guide
  • Click the links to the COD Library Citation page or the Purdue OWL Citation page in the box below
  • Ask a Librarian!  - in person on either campus or online with the Ask a Librarian chat

Examples of APA Citations and Guidelines for Citations