Length: 1:44. Hit play and watch full screen or on YouTube.
Identify articles in scholarly journals or popular magazines by looking up your search terms in one of the selected databases below.
You also can find a complete list of online databases organized by subject on the Library's A-Z List of Databases.
Use your Oakton username and password to login from a non-campus computer.
Provides access to full-text news, business, and legal publications using a variety of flexible search options. Access over 15,000 news, business, and legal sources.
Designed for high school libraries, MAS Complete is a research database that contains full text for hundreds of popular magazines and e-books covering news, politics, science, sports, culture and more. It also includes thousands of full-text primary source documents and videos from the Associated Press.
For broad searches use terms like:
You can add terms to focus your search:
Or any aspect of technology or teaching you are interested in
Length: 3:27. Hit play and watch full screen or on YouTube.