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Circulation Information

This guide will explain how items circulate in the library and reserve procedures.

Course Reserve Digitization

Faculty can ask the library to digitize an article and/or a portion of a book for their class. These items can be used for the semester.

If faculty wish to use the digitized item again after the semester is over, they must fill out an Oakton Library Resources List Request Rollover form.

Items Not Eligible for Scanning

  • Items borrowed through Interlibrary Loan
  • Consumable materials (i.e. workbooks, exercises, standardized tests, etc.)

Fair Use

Once our circulation department has received your request and the material that needs scanning, we will evaluate whether the request constitutes fair use under copyright law using the Fair Use Evaluator.

Per section 107 of the Copyright Law of the United States, when evaluating for fair use, the following things are taken into consideration:

  1. The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes
  2. The nature of the copyrighted work;
  3. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
  4. The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work

For more information on copyright and fair use, visit Copyright at Oakton: Fair Use.

Request a Digitization

If you wish to have a chapter or article digitized and put on reserve for your class, and you feel this request constitutes fair use under copyright law, please fill out our Course Reserve Digitization Request form.

Please submit a separate form for each title. If Oakton does not own the item, please bring your copy of the item to the circulation desk with a copy of this form (you can request a digital copy of the form once you submit the form).

The library will do our best to have this item available within 5 business days once we have received the item that needs to be scanned. Items scanned will be added to your Library Resources List. If you do not yet have a Library Resources List, Michelle Oh will contact you with information on how create and use your Library Resources List. Once created, we will add your scanned item to the list.