The focus on Lorde's quotable essays, to the neglect of her complex poems, has obscured her deep engagement with the natural world and the planetary dynamics of geology, meteorology, and biology. Lorde's ecological imagery is not merely metaphorical but rather a literal guide to being of Earth on Earth, to survival--to living the ethics that a Black feminist lesbian warrior poetics demands
Featuring images from archives, galleries and museums around the world, each chapter investigates the queer history of different mythic and folkloric characters, both old and new.
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In A Place of Our Own, journalist June Thomas invites readers into six iconic lesbian spaces over the course of the last sixty years, including the rural commune, the sex toy boutique, the vacation spot, and the feminist bookstore.
The following journals are core journals in the field based on a survey conducted by The American College and Research Libraries WGS Section of scholars, teachers and practictioners in the field. See link below.
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