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Teaching Resources Hub

The Center for Teaching Innovation advances Oakton's mission with an active Teaching Resources Hub that supports, fosters, and expands best-practices in teaching and learning and synergy across disciplines.

What is Professional Learning?

My teaching always seems like a work in progress. Is the same true for you? On these pages you'll find links to on-demand, synchronous, and asynchronous offerings from the Center for Teaching Innovation. I love to learn, think about, reflect, and try out teaching practices.  Here you'll find lots of ways to learn on your own time, with a synchronous or asynchronous group, or 1:1 with me. Let's do this!

Best Practices in Online Instruction (ACUE Course)

Training/ACUE course Click this link to open the pdf in a new window.

Magna Teaching Professor Journal

Training/Teaching Professor access Click this link to open the pdf in a new window.

Magna 20 Minute Mentor Access

Training/20 minute mentor access Click this link to open the pdf in a new window.