Names for published course guides take the following form:
[Subject Abbreviation] [Course Number] - [Course Instructor's First name Last name] - [Semester] [Year]
For example:
EGL 102 - Carol Bustamante - Spring 2022
EAS 100 - Benson-Lira - Fall 2021
Friendly URLs for your published course guides use the following format:
Subject Abbreviation Course Number Course Instructor's Last name Semester Year
For example:
The uppercase letters in the above examples allow us to visually separate the words without using underscores. However, the two following examples link to the same guide.
To create a course guide for your instruction session, you can either start fresh or copy content/layout from an existing guide. Your students should be able to find your name on the course guide. (Unless you are co-teaching a library workshop with another Oakton librarian, you won't need to have someone add you as an editor to a course guide).