What is the LibGuides A-Z Database List?
Our Oakton Library LibGuides A-Z Database List (https://researchguides.oakton.edu/az.php) is a central repository of over 130 database assets created and managed at the Admin user level. LibGuides account holders can reuse those database assets in their guides and, if desired, take advantage of some simple customization options.
Adding databases to guides: Why the method we use matters
When information for a database (name, URL, proxy, etc.) must be updated, this centralized approach allows the Admin to edit a single database record instead of seeking out every single guide where that database appears. That’s a big deal when you consider that a database like Academic Search Complete appears well over 150 times in our guides!
In order for database updates to appear in your guides, it is vital that you always add database assets following the procedure outlined below. If – as is sometimes the case - a database is added to a guide as a Rich Text/HTML content item, it will not automatically update. (It is also invisible to the Link Checker Tool, a topic covered elsewhere in this LibApps Directions for Staff guide.)