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From Oakton's Catalog

SALHI, Ribhi I.

Salhi, Ribhi. “Egypt Upheaval 2011-2013: Is it the Two Revolutions or the Two Coups? An Analysis of a Complex Adaptive System?” Illinois Political Science Review 16 (Fall 2016): 93-122. Web. 23 February 2017. <>

Salhi, Ribhi I. “Unpopular Terrorism: Why Did Al Qaeda of Iraq Fail?” Illinois Political Science Review 15 (Fall 2013): 118-140. Web. 22 July 2014. <>

Alghanim, Abdullah and Ribhi I. Salhi. “The War on Terror from the Perspective of Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.” Digest of Middle East Studies 19.1 (Spring 2010): 92-106. Print.


Salsedo, Andre J. "In Quest of the Origins of the Xanadu Images." Mongolia Survey 3 (Summer 1996): 62-64. Print.

Salsedo, Andre J. "A Visit to the Tomb of Khubilai Khan's Daughter." Mongolia Survey 2 (Fall 1995): 33-37. Print.

Salsedo, Andre J. "Restoring Xanadu." Archaeology 48.1 (Jan./Feb. 1995): 15. Print. (Owned by Oakton/Library Archives Room)

Salsedo, Andre J. "Finding the Legendary Xanadu." Mongolia Society Newsletter 15 (Feb. 1994): 11-20. Print.

Salsedo, Andre J. "Renovation of the Xanadu Ruins Begins." Mongolia Society Newsletter 16 (Sept. 1994): 64-67.

Salsedo, Andre J. "Zoom Lens on Gurana." Whole Foods 2:12 (Dec. 1979): 20-31. Print.

Salsedo, Andre J. Rev. of American Folk Medicine: A Symposium, ed. Wayland D. Hand. Medical Anthropology Newsletter 8.3 (May 1977): 22-23. Print.

Salsedo, Andre J. "Those Sweets May Be the Death of You." Rev. of  Nutrigenetics: New Concepts for Relieving Hypoglycemia, R.O. Brennan and William C. Mulligan. Berkeley Barb 552 (12-18 Mar. 1976): 12. Print.

Salsedo, Andre J. Rev. of Custer Died for Your Sins, perf. Floyd Westerman, et al. Perception, 1970. LP. Syracuse New Times 5.17 (10 Feb. 1972): 10. Print.

Salsedo, Andre J. "War Resisters." Rev. of The New Exiles: American War Resisters in Canada, Roger Neville Williams. Syracuse New Times 5.16 (20 Jan. 1972): 10+. Print.

SAMAR, Vincent J.

Samar, Vincent J. "Toward a New Separation of Church and State: Implications for Analogies to the Supreme Court Decision in Hobby Lobby by the Decision in Obergefell v. Hodges." Boston College J. of Law and Social Justice 36.1 (Mar. 2016):1-3. Web. 19 Sept. 2016.

Samar, Vincent J. "Toward a New Separation of Church and State: Implications for Analogies to the Supreme Court Decision in Hobby Lobby by the Decision in Obergefell v. Hodges." Boston College J. of Law and Social Justice 36.1 (Mar. 2016):1-3. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "The Potential Impact of Hobby Lobby on LGBT Civil Rights." The Georgetown J. of Gender and the Law 16 (Summer 2015):1-37. Print

Samar, Vincent J. "Interpreting Hobby Lobby to Not Harm LGBT Civil Rights." South Dakota Law Review 60 (2015): 457-473. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. “Possible Political Implications of Pope’s Statement on Gay People.” Viewspoints. Windy City Times 28.44 (7 Aug. 2013): 20. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.

Samar, Vincent J. “Pope on gays, political implications.” Views. Windy City Times, 7 Aug. 2013. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.

Samar, Vincent J. “On Supreme Court’s Same-Sex Marriage Decisions.” Views. Windy City Times, 2 July 2013. Web. 21 Nov. 2013.

Samar, Vincent J. “Religion / State: Where the Separation Lies.” Northern Illinois University Law Review 33.1 (Fall 2012): 1-64. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. “Failed Ideas We Can’t Afford.” Letter. International Herald Tribune 18 Aug. 2012. Print. (Not verified)

Samar, Vincent J. “Failed Ideas We Can’t Afford.” Letter. New York Times, 17 Aug. 2012. Web. 21 Nov. 2013.

Samar, Vincent J. "A Preface to World Government: A Comparison of the Current State of International Governance with the State of Governance that Followed Adoption of the American Articles of Confederation." Connecticut Journal of International Law 27.1 (Sept. 2011): 1-37. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "The Analytic Aposteriori and a New Understanding of Substantive Due Process that is Exhibited in the Lives of Those Seeking to Marry Someone of the Same Sex." St. Louis University Public Law Review 30 (June 2011): 377-408. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "Two Understandings of Supremacy: An Essay." Richmond J. of Global Law and Business Studies 9:4 (Fall 2010): 339-380. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.

Samar, Vincent J. "The Treaty Power and the Supremacy Clause: Rethinking Reid v. Covert in a Global Context." Ohio-Northern Law Review 36.2 (2010): 287-357. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "The First Amendment and the Mind/Body Problem." Suffolk University Law Review 23 Apr. 2008. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.

Samar, Vincent J. "The First Amendment and the Mind/Body Problem." Suffolk University Law Review 41.3 (2008): 521-529. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "Throwing Down the International Gauntlet: Same-Sex Marriage as a Human Right." Cardozo Public Law, Policy and Ethics Journal 6 (2007): 1-55 Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "Privacy and Same-Sex Marriage: The Case for Treating Same-Sex Marriage as a Human Right." Montana Law Review 68.2 (Summer 2007): 335-361. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "Justifying the Use of International Human Rights Principles in American Constitutional Law." Columbia Human Rights Law Review 37.1 (Oct. 2005): 1-100. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "Privacy and its Relationship to the Debate Over Same-Sex Marriage Versus Union." DePaul Law Review 54:3 (Spring 2005): 783-804. Print

Samar, Vincent J. "Same-Sex Marriage: The Difficult Road Ahead." Journal of GLBT Family Studies 1.2 (2005): 137-141. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "Bowers, Lawrence and Same-Sex Marriage: The Problem of Hard and Very Hard Cases." St. Louis University Public Law Review 24 (2005): 89-112. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "Autonomy, Gay Rights, and Human Self-Fulfilmment: An Argument for a Modified Liberalism in Public Education." William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law, 10.2 (2004): 137-193. Web. 6 May 2014.

Samar, Vincent J. "Autonomy, Gay Rights, and Human Self-Fulfilmment: An Argument for a Modified Liberalism in Public Education." William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 10.2 (2004): 137-193. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "The Supremes & Gay Rights: A Closer Look at Lawrence v. Texas." In These Times, 1 July 2003. Web. 24 June 2014.

Samar, Vincent J. "The Supremes & Gay Rights: A Closer Look at Lawrence v. Texas." In These Times 11 Aug. 2003: 17-18. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "The Court Takes on Gay Rights." In These Times 11 Aug. 2003: 17-18. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "The Court Takes on Gay Rights." Views. In These Times, 9 May 2003. Web. 24 June 2014.

Samar, Vincent J. Privacy Law: Cases and materials. Ed. Richard C. Turkington and Anita L. Allen-Castellitto. St. Paul, MN: West Group, 2002. 142-144. Print. (Unverified)

Samar, Vincent J., ed. The Gay Rights Movement. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "Is the Right to Die Dead?" DePaul Law Review 50.1 (2000): 221-264. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "Social, Cultural, and Philosophical Issues." University of Chicago Law School Roundtable 7 (2000): 5-9. Print. (Unverified)

Samar, Vincent J. "Q & A." University of Chicago Law School Roundtable 7 (2000): 20-33. Print. (Unverified)

Samar, Vincent J. "Law: Criminal." Reader's Guide to Lesbian and Gay Studies. Ed. T. Murphy. Chicago: Fitzroy-Dearborn 2000: 340-341. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. Justifying Judgment: Practicing Law and Philosophy. Lawrence, KS U P of Kansas, 1998. Print.

Samar, Vincent J., and Howar Kaplan. "Kramer Misses the Point on Philadelphia." Editorial. Windy City Times 12 Feb. 1994: 12. Print. (Unverified)

Samar, Vincent J. The Right to Privacy: Gays, Lesbians, and the Constitution. Philadelphia: Temple U P, 1991. Print.

Samar, Vincent J. "Buchanon Piece on AIDS Wrong in Fact and Logic." Editorial. Chicago Sun-Times 16 Dec. 1987: 36. Print.

SANFILIP, Thomas (Tom)

Sanfilip, Tom. When Days Grow into Night. CD Baby, 2022. <>

Sanfilip, Thomas. Last Poems. Ara Pacis, 2007. (Owned by Oakton)

Sanfilip, Thomas. The Art of Anguish. Illiad Press, 2004. (Owned by Oakton)

Sanfilip, Thomas. Myth: a Poem. Iliad Press, 2001. (Owned by Oakton)

SARET, Laura

Saret, Laura. Programming Logic for Business. 4th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2001. Print. (Owned by Oakton)

Saret, Laura. Full-Time Faculty Perceptions of Faculty Development Programs in Northern Illinois Suburban Community Colleges. Diss. Northern Illinois U. 1993. Print. (Owned by Oakton)

Saret, Laura. Data Processing Logic. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987. Print. (Owned by Oakton)

SARTI, Wendy A.

See also:
Adele-Marie, Wendy
Maier, Wendy A.
Maier-Sarti, Wendy A.

Sarti, Wendy. Rev. of The Spanish Holocaust: Inquisition and Extermination in Twentieth-Century Spain, Paul Preston. Reviews in History Nov. 2012: 1345. Web. 12 Sept. 2012.

Sarti, Wendy. Women and Nazis: Female Perpetrators of Genocide and Other Crimes During Hitler's Regime, 1933-1945. Palo Alto, CA: Academica Press, 2011. Print.

Sarti, Wendy. “And I heard a bird sing.” People Poetry: A Collection of Poems by People, for People, and Sometimes about People. Clarksville, Tennessee: Diversion Press, 2011.

Sarti, Wendy. “Fronde, France, 1648–1653.” The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Print.

Sarti, Wendy. “History of the Holocaust.” Encyclopedia of the Modern World. Oxford: Oxford U P, 2009. Print.

Sarti, Wendy  Rev. of Every Day Lasts a Year: A Jewish Family’s Correspondence from Poland, ed. Christopher R. Browning, Richard S. Hollander, and Nechama Tec. History: Reviews of New Books 37.2 (Winter 2009): 66-67.


Scheuermann, Mona. In Praise of Poverty: Hannah More Counters Thomas Paine and the Radical Threat. Lexington, KY: U P of Kentucky, 2002. Print. (Owned by Oakton)

Scheuermann, Mona. Her Bread to Earn: Woman, Money, and Society from Defoe to Austen. Lexington, KY: U P of Kentucky, 1993. Print. (Owned by Oakton)

Scheuermann, Mona. Social Protest in the Eighteenth-Century English Novel. Columbus, OH: Ohio State U P, 1985. Print. (Owned by Oakton)

Scheuermann, Mona. The Novels of William Godwin and Those of His Contemporaries. New York: Arno Press, 1975. Print. (Owned by Oakton)


Sfondilias, John Steven. The Effects of Combining a Cognitive Routine Strategy and the Corrective Feedback Paradigm in a Computer-Based Lesson. Diss., U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1985. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, 1985