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Oakton Authors


This bibliography lists publications by Oakton authors.  "Oakton Authors" are defined as any Oakton College personnel, past or present.  Materials may have been published during, before, or after the person's employment at Oakton.

Books owned by the Oakton Library are cataloged and identified as having been written by an Oakton author.

Articles are not cataloged.  When an original article or a copy of an article is available, it will be housed in the Archives Room on the 1st Floor of the Des Plaines Campus Library.  These articles will not circulate out of the library.

Some entries include the notation "Not verified."  Information thus cited is presumed to be correct, but either is not complete, was not available for checking, or could not be verified in a secondary source.

In the past, educational documents published by ERIC, privately published materials, in-house publications, conference papers, and proceedings were not included.

If a bibliographic record for an author's book is found in Oakton's catalog, it will be linked to this online Research Guide by author surname.

Donations of publications by Oakton authors to the library are encouraged.  Correction and additions to this bibliography should be sent by:

  1. email to or
  2. regular mail to: Oakton Authors / Oakton College Library / 1600 East Golf Road / Des Plaines, IL  60016.

Both the 1st and 2nd earlier print editions of Oakton Authors: A Bibliography of Publications were compiled by Beverly Offen, a Professor of Library Services at the Oakton Library.  The bibliographies are available at both campus libraries: